Please click here to view further information.Ĭlick the “ PrtScn” button to capture a screenshot of NoxPlayer and save as an image.Ĭlick the “ 2 Finger” button to simulate the operations of two fingers to zoom in and out in games. Click here to learn more about multi-instance.Ĭlick the “ Cleanup” button to close all apps in the background to free up more space for NoxPlayer.Ĭlick the “ Shake” button to shake the current instance to help you tell different instances.Ĭlick the “ V-loc” button to change your virtual location to help you play some AR games such as Pokemon GO. You can also drag an APK file to NoxPlayer directly to install.Ĭlick the “ MulDrive” button to open multi-instance manager to create different instances of NoxPlayer. Click here to view further details.Ĭlick the “ APK Instl” button to choose an APK file on your PC to install on NoxPlayer. Click here to learn how to set key mappings in different games.Ĭlick the “ VolUp/VolDn” button to adjust the volume of NoxPlayer.Ĭlick the “ FileAssist” button to share files between NoxPlayer and your computer. This tutorial will give you a brief introduction to the toolbar on NoxPlayer.Ĭlick the “ FSCR” button to enter the full-screen mode, click “ESC” to exit full-screen modeĬlick the “ Keyset” button to set key mappings.